Friday, March 7, 2014

Whole Lotta Change

This has been a year filled with change. 
One of our kids went away to college and we sold our home of 12 years and are trying our skills as hobby farmers.  
   The collegiate had a bumpy first few months.  There is a lot to getting used to a new roommate and lifestyle.  He joined the rowing team and things quickly turned around for him.  I think that most people want to be a part of some thing larger than themselves, be it a club, team, church, community, or something else. 
   Selling a home after filling it with stuff and memories for 12 years is a process.  We began by going through everything.  We made weekly trips to Goodwill and sold things to friends and family.  Once we had pared down our belongings to what we thought was essential, we were ready to sell.  We found friendly honest realtors who always seemed to have our best interest at heart.  I have a wonderful friend, Robin, who is an interior designer and home-stager, and she was an amazing asset!
   We cleaned the house and readied it for the new owners.  Once you decide to put your home on the market, I think that it is best if you change your thought process a bit.  Your home is no longer yours.  It is a place that people meander through and try to picture housing their furniture, keepsakes and future memories.  Most will want to make the place their own with new wall color, carpet, etc.  Most often, they won't like your stuff and that's okay.  The right buyer is out there, and when the time is right, everything will "click" into place.
   Whatever your transition, give yourself the gift of non judgement. It is just an experience, an emotion, a process.  Take a step back and breathe.  What steps can you take to make your transition easier and/or more successful?  Remember to ask for help.  There are people who want to support you!

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