Friday, April 29, 2011

The Cedar Waxwings Return

photo by Jupiter Saturn
Spring continues to spring forth.  The bright red buds on the maple trees are getting fatter day by day, and the soft yellow-green buds of the willows have opened into tiny leavesWe can rest assured that even with the wacky snowfall as recently as yesterday, Spring continues to creep into our lives.  This morning on our walk, we saw a big group of gray birds flitting in the trees next to the path.  I almost kept on walking, but something told me to stop and pay attention. There were two or three beautiful cedar waxwings within six feet of us and probably 15-20 in the nearby trees.  We just stood and looked at each other from our prospective perches.  For me, the arrival of the waxwings means that spring is undeniable.  They aren't hearty like the first robins; they wait until the warm weather is really here before they take up residence.  I feel as if they have brought true spring with them.  Make sure to get out and soak up some spring sunshine, and take a minute to notice the beautiful spring emerging all around!

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