Friday, April 8, 2011


It was a glorious morning to be out and about.  The temperatures were mild enough so that the ice didn't reform along the shoreline.  We had the path to ourselves and spent the return route picking up trash that must have been under the snow.  My friend brought up the irony of people bagging up their dog's waste and then leaving the full bag behind. We would all be better off to have the dog stuff compost after a few rain showers.  Once it is put in plastic it could take years and years to degrade depending on the  plastic.
I saw my first Mallard couple this morning.  They were flying in circles around the island with the male loudly honking at the female while in hot pursuit.  They will have to compete with the geese for nesting sites but they always seem to be able to make it work.  
During my daytime walk earlier in the week, the frogs were so loud that it was almost deafening.  I got to wondering how they know when I'm approaching.  According to 
"Besides hearing sounds like humans do, frogs and salamanders can hear vibrations in the ground. When the ground vibrates, the movement travels up their front legs to the shoulder blade and then to a muscle that connects to the ear, so the amphibian can hear it. This type of hearing can be very sensitive. Not only can amphibians hear the footsteps of an approaching predator, like a raccoon, but they can also hear something as slight as an insect digging in the soil."

It was a little eerie to hear such a frog symphony and then as I approached, silence.  I wonder if they also have a warning call.  I thought that I heard a duck in the pond quacking, and later realized that it was a frog sound.  Being so sensitive to sound and vibration, I have a new respect for the herons and egrets who wait so patiently along the shoreline before snatching up frogs. 
Spring has truly sprung here and I plan to spend as much time outside this weekend as possible.  Try to get out and thaw your bones even if you just sit in a chair in the sunshine.  It will restore your very soul!

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