Monday, March 28, 2011

Sunday March 27, 2011

I was away for the weekend, so had a walk much later in the day than usual.  I was surprised at how different the lighting and animal patterns were.  The sun was out and it looked so beautiful that I set off without a hat.  Thank goodness I had a hood because the wind was bitter.  I looked at my favorite nook in a big tree.  I wonder if it is too exposed to be of any use to a critter.  It reminds me of a mouth.

I sure passed a lot of people.  It was wonderful to see so many out enjoying the beautiful day and fresh clean air.  I decided  that I wasn't in the mood for a power walk, so I ambled along noting signs of spring.  I saw some green grass bravely growing amongst the brown.  It felt so full of promise.  I had the same feeling when I saw a canoe covered with snow.  Soon, the ice will be out and the geese will be joined by the gentle swoosh of canoes and kayaks.  

Hope springs eternal in the human breast: Man never is, but always To be Blest. ... "  Alexander Pope  

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